SM Removes Baekhyun's Content on His Channel + Explains Why They Did It

It is to prevent any misunderstanding from the general public.

It has been determined by SM Entertainment to delete recordings from EXO member Baekhyun's YouTube channel "KyoongTube" that were uploaded while he was serving in the Korean military.

Baekhyun began working as a public service employee on May 6th. In addition to live programming, SM Entertainment has been streaming pre-recorded video to the channel since his enlistment.

After receiving feedback from the YouTube channel's community, SM Entertainment issued the following statement on November 18.

Our company has decided to suspend the upload of "KyoongTube" content until Baekhyun's military discharge is complete.

For the duration of Baekhyun's military duty, we had been publishing one video of pre-recorded content every month in order to reciprocate the affection that fans had shown to Baekhyun.

Although it is not against the law to share footage that was filmed and created before to Baekhyun's enlisting, we have chosen to remove all of the content that was uploaded after Baekhyun's enlistment in order to avoid any unanticipated misunderstandings despite our best efforts.

We beg for your patience as we ask for your support.

Military legislation in Korea stipulates that troops serving in the military are not permitted to participate in profit-making activities or to hold down a second employment while on active duty.

Krees DG

528 KWAVE Magazine posts
