What is the best job with direct diode 445nm blue laser diode module?
What is the best job with direct diode 445nm blue laser diode module? Jul 31

What is the best job with direct diode 445nm blue laser diode module?

दिन घंटे बचा हुआ
In order to make precise enough dot alignment at quite long work distance, not the same as a simple blue laser pointer, it makes better job with a direct diode emission made 445nm blue laser diode module. Employed by an import blue laser diode and cooling system, only after advanced use of 16mm diameter anodized aluminum alloy housing tube, it achieves good thermal emitting and highly reliable blue dot alignment in long lasting use.
Being made with a qualified glass coated lens and glass window, this 445nm blue laser diode module achieves high intensity blue laser light and highly clear blue dot emission within the maximum work distance of 25 meters and formal lighting occasions. According to real work distance and lighting occasion, after correct use of output power and freely adjusted laser beam focus, it achieves the most focused laser light emission and high precision blue dot alignment at great distance perfectly.
Applications: laser show, laser displaying, military targeting, laser medical therapy, high tech and lab experiment work etc
2023-07-31 - 19:42 आरंभ करने की तिथि
2026-06-30 - 19:43 अंतिम तिथि
San Jose, CA
What is the best job with direct diode 445nm blue laser diode module? ने अभी तक कुछ भी पोस्ट नहीं किया है