fromis_9's Lee Seo-Yeon Tests Positive to COVID-19

Wishing her a speedy recovery, get well soon!

fromis 9’s Lee Seo Yeon has been diagnosed with COVID-19, a viral infection.

Her management company, PLEDIS Entertainment, announced on February 4 that she will be taking a hiatus from activities in order to concentrate on her treatment.

The following is the official statement from PLEDIS Entertainment:

Greetings, this is PLEDIS Entertainment.

Informing you of fromis 9 member Lee Seo Yeon's positive test results for COVID-19 and the modification of her future schedule is our goal. Thank you for your understanding.

The hospital was called to Lee Seo Yeon's house on the evening of February 3 (Thursday) because she was experiencing symptoms of weariness and itchy throat, and she was found to be positive in a quick antigen test. As a consequence, she was referred to a screening center, where she received a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. She was diagnosed with COVID-19 in the early morning hours of Friday, January 4th. Aside from a scratchy throat and minor dizziness, she is not suffering any additional symptoms at this time, and she is waiting for direction from the disease control authorities.

In addition, all of the members of fromis 9, with the exception of Lee Seo Yeon, tested negative in the quick antigen tests that were done on February 3, and they are not currently experiencing any symptoms. The members placed themselves in self-quarantine and are awaiting further instructions from the health facility, which will include establishing if they had any close contact [with COVID-19 patients] or whether they require further PCR testing to confirm their status.

Consequently, some fromis 9 activities related to their fourth mini-album "Midnight Guest" will be postponed, including today's KBS "Music Bank" appearance and the fan signing events (Music Plant on February 4, Joeun Music on February 5, BEATROAD on February 6, Shopee on February 10, "Midnight Guest" signing on February 12). If and when she resumes her activities, we will provide an update on the timetable.

Putting the health of the artists first, we'll do everything we can to help Lee Seo Yeon's treatment and recuperation so that she can meet her fans in good health when the time comes. In addition, we shall abide by the demands and instructions issued by the disease control authorities with strict adherence.

We wish Lee Seo Yeon the best of luck in his recovery!

Krees DG

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