NU'EST's Minhyun Tests Positive For COVID-19

We wish Minhyun a speedy recovery!

Minhyun of NU'EST has tested positive for COVID-19.

Pledis Entertainment issued the following statement on March 9:

Hello, this is Pledis Entertainment.

We would like to inform you about NU’EST member Minhyun testing positive for COVID-19.

Minhyun experienced a mild fever and sore throat on March 8 (Tuesday) and conducted a test using a self-testing kit, which showed negative results. However, in the preemptive rapid antigen test, he got positive results, so he immediately underwent PCR testing and was diagnosed with COVID-19 on the morning of March 9 (Wednesday).

Minhyun is currently not exhibiting symptoms other than a mild fever and a sore throat and is administering self-treatment at home. There was no contact between Minhyun and other NU’EST members.

Therefore, Minhyun will adjust his schedule and focus on treatment for a while. We will provide you with updates on his activity resumption.

We will put the health of the artist as a top priority and do our best to support Minhyun’s treatment and recovery so that he can meet his fans in good health. In addition, we will faithfully cooperate with the requests and guidelines of the disease control authorities.

Thank you.

Meanwhile, under Pledis Entertainment, NU'EST is preparing for their final comeback as a group.

Chen Rivor

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