'The Killer's Shopping List' Drops New Trailer Featuring Lee Kwang Soo and Kim Seolhyun

Are you looking forward to watching this series?

'The Killer's Shopping List' which will be televised first on Wednesday, April 27th following 'Kill Heel', is about mysterious murder case that takes place in an average neighborhood. The scientific inquiry of mart clerk Lee Kwang Soo (Ahn Dae Seong) and enthusiastic police officer Kim Seolhyun (Do Ah Hee) is featured in the second teaser, which was released on March 23.

The released video catches attention from the outset with the presence of Lee Kwang Soo and Seolhyun performing an investigation on the police line in the mart. The scenario of methodically recording the investigation journal by checking gaps and checkout counters with a cell phone flashlight, collecting fragments of torn receipts, and meticulously recording the inquiry continues, accompanied by scary background music. The presence of the two of them with a cool scientific investigator lets you feel the activity of a novel combination that hasn't been seen before.

After then, you can see the subtle energy of a mind master in Lee Kwang Soo's solemn gaze as he looks at the torn receipt on the cashier's counter. Lee Kwang Soo, who has a genius memory that never forgets what he saw once, is lost in contemplation by saying, 'The perpetrator is in the receipt', prompting doubts about the unofficial super brain that protects the mart that will unfold in the drama.

Despite failing his civil service exam three years in a row, Ahn Dae Sung has an amazing memory in the drama. Still studying, he works part-time at his mother’s MS Mart on the outskirts of Seoul. His girlfriend, Ah Hee, works as a cop. His mother and girlfriend are both ardent supporters of his endeavors.

When a murder takes place in an apartment building near his business, Ah Hee begins her inquiry with Dae Sung and his mother, Myung Sook, soon following her. But, before long, she realizes that the only clue is an MS Mart store receipt.

Chen Rivor

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