Best Korean teas for weight loss

These refreshing drinks can help you manage your weight

What's not to love about teas? They're delicious, heartwarming, and have plenty of health benefits. Fitness enthusiasts swear by herbal teas since they're naturally effective for maintaining their figures.

Since Korean culture has high regard for this ancient refreshment, no doubt it's well-loved. Here are the teas you should try to get a taste of Korea and at the same time lose weight which is a win-win situation for tea-drinkers.

1. Roasted Barley tea

Roasted Barley Tea or boricha is popular in Korea since it's served traditionally in gatherings or restaurants, hot or cold. Roasted Barley tea is a strong competitor of water in the region since it's one of the favorites of the Koreans. The majority of them drink Boricha in massive amounts daily since it's easy to make.

All you need is to boil water, add the roasted barley, gently boil for 15 minutes, let it steep for 20-30 minutes, and then drain. You can enjoy this drink either cold or hot. The roasted Barley tea is nutritious since it's rich in antioxidants, good for digestive health, immune booster, and delicious.


2. Honey Citron tea

If you're looking for another sweet and tangy organic tea for weight loss, then Korean honey citron tea or yujacha should be up your alley. It's a traditional tea that aids weight loss, improves digestion and blood circulation. It's highly effective in promoting weight loss since it has a rich source of soluble fiber. You can add cinnamon to your honey citron tea to spice your drink up. All you have to do is have a spoonful of Yuja fruit, then add water and stir.


3. Plum tea (maesil cha)

If you're into fruity teas, then maesil cha should be on your list. The juice of the plum fermented is excellent to use for your tea. In addition, fiber-enriched fruits such as plums help weight loss.


4. Omija cha

The omija cha is a traditional Korean tea that is usually served to the royal family. It consists of magnolia berries, and it's a tea that consists of dried magnolia berries with honey. Omija means five flavors since it has bitterness, sourness, saltiness, sweetness, and tanginess similar to a five-season in a sense, but not everyone has the same cup of tea when it comes to its taste.


The process of making this tea is similar to other Korean teas. It has been used to treat ailings last 10 to 15 years ago, and since then, it has become popular with the mass. You can find omija cha in health drink products. It's perfect for those who want to manage their weight since berries are high in water content and vitamins, making them an excellent choice for weight loss, detoxifying toxins, and improving general health.


5. Ginseng tea

Ginseng tea or Insam-cha which means ginseng and cha ( tea) in Korean. It's a herbal tea that doesn't contain tea leaves since it's a combination of ginseng plant roots. Ginseng tea is a traditional tea with plenty of benefits, from boosting immunity to promoting weight loss.


6. Corn tea 

Like the Boricha, it's also an easy refreshment and ultra-healthy since it's a great alternative to roasted barley tea. Corn tea promotes excess flushing water from the body without complications, which can help you lose weight. Corn is a healthy drink since it's gluten-free, caffeine-free, and has plenty of vitamins and folate. However, corn is high in fiber, and it's crucial to consume it in moderation.


7. Lotus flower tea

The lotus flower tea seems to be pretty delicious by its name, and it is! This flower is high in amino acid or taurine and L-carnitine, which burns body fat and aids weight loss. It also has plenty of benefits, such as stress regulation, digestion, and improving the immune system. The lotus flower tea is one of the best options for people aiming to lose weight but is still being refreshed.


8. Chrysanthemum tea

Chrysanthemum tea should be a part of your diet food staple since this herbal tea is packed with vitamin B and potassium, and it's also great in processing body fats faster and burning them. Chrysanthemum tea helps lessen the chances of having heart diseases, blood diseases, and cancer.


Nicole Marie Valdez

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