Han So Hee Clarifies Bed Scene Controversy

The actress's agency issued a statement stating that the dispute was the result of a simple misunderstanding.

Following a controversy surrounding the production of the bed scene for the Netflix drama 'My Name,' actress Han So-hee help explain her side.

Han So-hee's agency, 9 Ato Entertainment, gave details on the procedure of the disputed bed scene in an official statement on the 2nd.

"Depending on the position, we believe that it may cause some misunderstanding. In order to correct the exact facts, we will inform you of the decision process of the scene," the management company said. "The scene was first discussed during the pre-production stage. We exchanged stories that there was a possibility of filming a bed scene."

Han So-hee earlier stated in an interview with 'My Name,' "The bed scene was determined on the spot without prior agreement." Following this, criticism poured in against the director for filming without the performers' consent.

When an unanticipated misunderstanding emerged as a result of her words, Han So-hee sought explanation through her agency to rectify the situation.

"The phrase 'I found out during filming' means that the scene was finally decided during filming after much thought and discussion," the agency said of Han So-interview hee's remarks. "I would like to inform you that all scenes were made after sufficient consultation with the production team, including the director and writer, and the actors."

In the future, we urge that you avoid making incorrect assumptions and misconceptions about this.

Here is a part of the statement that was released from the actress' agency.

We'd like to clear up the rumor that some sequences in Netflix's My Name were "decided on the spot without prior consent." In a media interview on the 20th, actress Han So-hee stated, "I found out during the filming," which, from a listener's perspective, may cause some confusion. As a result, in order to fix the actual facts, we will tell you of the scene's decision-making process.

This scene was initially mentioned during pre-production, and there was talk of recording a bed scene to demonstrate Jiwoo's emotional transformation.

As a result, the screenplay was not finalized at the time, and it was stated that the filming method was selected based on the emotional line of the character. After some discussions about the 'Scene that can also describe the magnitude of Jiwoo's feelings,' we ultimately agreed to proceed with the actors' and production team's approval. The director and writer also spent a lot of time talking about and thinking about how to depict the scene.

As a result, the statement "I discovered while filming" denotes that the scenario was eventually determined during filming after considerable thinking and discussion. We can assure you that all sequences were shot following extensive consultation with the production team, including the director and writer, as well as the actors involved.

We wanted to address the concerns directly since we know how much thought and effort the production crew and the performers put into the play.

Please avoid making erroneous assumptions or misconceptions about this in the future.

Thank you very much.


The series was released last month on Netflix and has been in the top watched dramas since its release.



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