Lee Jihoon Finally Opens His Side of the Story

He apologized for the inconvenience but he denies the power-tripping accusations.

Lee Ji Hoon has spoken out about the current allegations leveled against his upcoming drama "Sponsor."

Earlier this week, YTN Star reported that one of the "Sponsor" staff members had complained about an incident involving an associate of one of the drama's performers in the staff group chatroom. Both the drama's producers and Lee Ji Hoon's agency issued comments apologizing for the event and clarifying the circumstances of what had occurred.

On the same day, writer Park Gye Hyung said he was sacked because Lee Ji Hoon complained about his screen time, which he claimed resulted in half of the "Sponsor" production crew being changed without warning. Both the drama's production crew and Lee Ji Hoon's agency vehemently denied the writer's assertions that the actor was involved in his firing.

Lee Ji Hoon issued a message on Instagram on November 5th, revealing his side of the story and expressing his dissatisfaction with misleading reports.

The following is the actor's entire statement:

Hello, my name is Lee Ji Hoon.

I apologize for only now sharing you my true side of the story. First and foremost, regardless of the cause, I genuinely and profoundly apologize for the conflict that erupted between my buddy and the FD [floor director] on set. To be honest, I have no idea what they said to one other during their talk. But it's my fault that I invited a buddy to the set to give me a present.

I apologize if the FD felt uneasy as a result of the scenario. I deeply regret this. I will take additional precautions to guarantee that my pals do not return to the set in the future.

However, if it's okay with you, I'd want to provide my side of the tale as well. I'd like to be completely honest. Because so many things are being said that are exaggerated and misrepresented. I'm saying this now because I don't believe I should [sit back and watch] for much longer.

Filming had been going smoothly up until this point, and I hadn't had any major issues with the other crew members on site. Despite my lack of talents, I worked hard and did my best to act effectively. To be honest, there had previously been instances of the FD being disrespectful to my manager, a reporter on set for interviews, an actor playing a little part, and me. I didn't feel good about it after seeing and feeling it, probably because I'm human. It's also true that I pondered, "Those employees are only doing their jobs, and [the FD] could have talked to them pleasantly; why is he treating them thus rudely?"

Because a filmmaking set can be a stressful environment for crew workers, actors, managers, and everyone else, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and thought positively, "That might happen." I wouldn't have had such views about the FD on set if there hadn't been any previous incidences.

I'm still on excellent terms with the other FDs, staff members, directors, and camera directors I've worked with over the last nine years, and I keep in touch with them. What do you mean, I was on a power trip? To be honest, after seeing the stories and videos about me, I only apologized for the things I did wrong when my agency initially issued a statement regarding the matter. Because I didn't believe it was appropriate for me to apologize for things I didn't do. But, when [accusations] continue to be made about things that did not occur, I decided that I couldn't let this go on any longer, so I'm posting this article. To be completely honest.

The first misconception is that my buddy was not organizing a birthday party for me that morning, but rather, two of my admirers arrived from the early morning to give meals for the entire staff, for which I was quite appreciative. And the party took place in the parking lot once the morning shoot was completed. That was it.

Second, there's a ludicrous story going around that I pulled down my trousers and created a commotion, but I promise on my life that never occurred. The entire team witnessed and is aware of this fact. When we filmed outside instead than on an inside set, there was nowhere for us to change our clothes, so I'd change in a car, the restroom, the street, or an alley, and my crew would always cover me.

Third, there was conflict between my buddy and the FD, but it is not true that I agreed with it. I attempted to put a stop to it. This was noticed by the personnel as well. My eyes were not asking, "Why did you provoke me?" but rather asking my buddy, "Why are you doing this?" and telling the FD, "Hyung, don't do it either." That was it. I also waited until the shot was finished before approaching Young Hwan [the FD] and saying, "Hyung, I want to apologize for what occurred with my buddy," but he answered, "Don't come close me, 'no contact,' I said 'no touch.'" Yes, I have already discussed everything with my lawyer. "Do you believe I don't know any mobsters or loan sharks?" As a result, I was unable to directly apologize to him. If there is CCTV, it will be possible to determine whether there was any pushing or other inappropriate behavior during the interaction between the FD and my buddy.

Fourth, this is the first time I've heard the writer's narrative. Who am I to suggest that a writer be replaced, as people wrote in articles and comments? In my low-level position? But, before we began filming the drama, the director explained the role to me, and I assured him via KakaoTalk that I would trust him and go with [whatever he decided]. That was it. I'm having a KakaoTalk chat with the director. If [the writer] continues to make claims about events that occurred only between him and the production business [and did not include me], I will publish my KakaoTalk discussion with the director.

Fifth, it is not acceptable to power trip. Really. There is no explanation for what I did to constitute power tripping, but stories were distorted, then escalated, and now it's being claimed that I was power tripping on set. I'm so unhappy that I'm crumbling within. I'm not the type of person who would power trip.

When I saw the stories and remarks, I was furious and upset, and I questioned why things I hadn't done were being circulated [as truth].

I hope there are no more misunderstandings or unfounded speculations. I hope that my followers who support me and everyone who looks at me, even if negatively, would only blame me for things I did wrong.

Even as I type this, I am thinking about all of the things I did wrong. I'm thinking about [my wrongdoings], and I'm going to use this situation to repair the things [in myself] that need to be fixed, no matter what! This sentence has grown rather lengthy.

As I write this, I'd want to apologize once more for exposing you to a circumstance that may have made some individuals feel uneasy. As a public person, I will strive to be more prudent in the future. I deeply regret this.

I should always be joyful when working and engaging in filming on set, and it is my fault [that I was not]. I truly apologize to everyone, including everyone involved in the filming, for causing you to be concerned about this subject.

Krees DG

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