Episode 1 of I AM SOMI:XOXO Out Now

The reality show reveals the singer's involvement in all aspects of her album comeback.

Singer Jeon Somi showed the behind-the-scenes process of her comeback album  'XOXO' through Black Label's official channel.

On the 20th, at 10 p.m., her agency, The Black Label, released the first episode of Somi's exclusive reality program, 'I AM SOMI: XOXO,' on their official YouTube channel.


Jeon So-Mi's quiet voiceover opened the published video. She gave her frank thoughts and feelings into a narrative form, and with this, she easily captured the audience's attention from the start of the video.



Jeon Somi colored her hair for her comeback in the episode, and it also displayed her good bond with her sister Evelyn, whom she visited on her birthday.

The young vocalist, who appeared exhausted during her costume fitting, expressed her delight at how lovely she looked in her dress.


Jeon Somi, in particular, took the lead in getting ready for her comeback by checking everything from one to ten, even to last nail details with her makeup artist, Pony. She was also hands-on in giving feedback for her music videos.  This professional side of Jeon Somi makes her fans love her more.


Watch full episode one here.



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